(800) 548-7677 info@pfmc.org

Pacific Foundation for Medical Care supports non-profit, health related projects that enhance the availability or quality of health services in communities. Since 1993, PFMC has provided more than $1.4 million in grant awards to 75 different organizations and programs in the North San Francisco Bay Area and San Diego County.

In Spring 2016, PFMC awarded a total of $103,000 to the following recipients:

CTE Foundation – Sonoma County
To support further expansion and student support for strengthening the Health Care career technical training and work readiness programs preparing students for health care careers and/or college.

Hospice by the Bay – Sonoma and Marin Counties
To support a Community Based Palliative Care pilot program so individuals with advanced illness can receive services in their home one to two years prior to their hospice eligibility.

iDo26.2 Program – Sonoma County
To support a program to enable and encourage regular physical activity to help with obesity prevention and related disease prevention in youth and their families.

Jewish Community Free Clinic – Sonoma County
General operating support weekly clinics with an all-volunteer staff that provides free medical care and social services to any uninsured person in need.

Musicians On Call – San Franciso and Marin Counties
To support the expansion of the “Bedside Performance Program” where local volunteer musicians provide the healing power of music to the bedsides of patients at UCSF Benioff, Novato Community Hospital and SF VA Medical Center.

Operation Access – Bay Area Counties
To support work to provide donated surgeries, specialty care and diagnostic screenings to the uninsured in Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, Solano and Sonoma counties.

Rotacare Clinic of San Rafael – Marin County
To support the clinic providing medical services, pharmaceuticals and lab services for uninsured patients in Marin County.

Sonoma County Regional Parks – Sonoma County
To help fund the Spanish and English guides for the Trails Challenge introducing the value and benefits of outdoor fitness, promote low-cost outdoor recreation programs to under resourced audiences and purchase necessary equipment and supplies such as bicycle helmets for low income youth.

United Cerebral Palsy of the North Bay – Sonoma County
To fund an occupational therapy internship program for local university students allowing Boost to bill medical insurance for the therapy provided in the Boost classroom.